Friday, April 24, 2009

A possible Oppurtunity

So today was a pretty great and a couple of the CTS members went to this place in Nakasi,called Wainibuku......we got up at 8 then got the 9am bus there, was there at like ten, had like a ten minute walk from the main road to this're probably wondering, why? well we went there to teach the kids there aged between 7 and 15, how to read and that.....dude it was GREAT!!!! its amazing how we take literacy for granted,when really, there are heaps of people in Fiji, and around the world for that matter that cant read and write.......todays experience was very humbling, im glad i had proper education growing up and i know the pleasures of opening up a book and escaping into a mythical and possibly "real' (def. up for debate) world.......todays turn out weren't as huge as before, we had like 12 kids there.....but still you gotta start somewhere right? anyway, because our association is all about rasing awareness about environmental issues, i think this would be a great oppurtunity for the CTS to spread the word of a greener furture to this "very willing to learn" children.......i mean what better wat to save the planet then teach this kids Habits that'll will save the planet one day.....i dont know, what do you think?


  1. great work..I think u guys are doing a good job...If the kids can't go to school to & learn abt environmental awareness or even get a proper education y not take education to them....kip it up... :)

  2. so true eyes to the world!!!! thats exactly what we intend on doing!

  3. very good intentions of you guys keep up the good work....
